2017.gada 8.novembris
2017.gada 7.novembris
2017.gada 7.novembris
2017.gada 1.novembris
2017.gada 1.novembris
2017.gada 30.oktobris
2017.gada 27.oktobris
2017.gada 26.oktobris
2017.gada 25.oktobris
2017.gada 25.oktobris
Today students and lecturer Taina Romppanen from Kajaani University of Applied sciences(Spanish), students and lecturer Madara Blumberga from RSU Sarkanā Krusta medicīnas koledža listened Ieva Damberga speaking about Bērnu klīniskā universitātes slimnīcaexample of improving patient safety. We also discussed patient error stories and tried to find out ways how to not make the same mistakes on ourselves. In the end of day we visited Bērnu klīniskā universitātes slimnīca and got to see how things are working in reallity with patients and health care specialists.