2022.gada 2.September
2022.gada 19.August
8 September at 15.30 Latvian and Israeli experts are meeting online for the discussion ‘Politrauma patient treatment: Latvia and Israel’.
2022.gada 16.August
At the end of May Red Cross Medical College of RSU started cooperation with adentistry center from Tallinn STOMATOLOOGIA+ in a VET project. ThisJune has seen the second trip of the RSURCMC dentist assistants and theirlecturer. For this project, Estonian colleagues have created a video summary about RSU RCMC guests experience in Tallinn dentistry center STOMATOLOOGIA+.
2022.gada 3.August
2022.gada 15.June
At the end of May 2022 RCMC RSU had their first trip in a VET mobility organized by a Tallinn dental clinic STOMATOLOOGIA+.
2022.gada 9.June
Medical plants were planted in the College’s beautiful garden at the beginning of June.
2022.gada 9.June
RSU Red Cross Medical College lecturers Renāte Šukele and Anna Gavrilova participated in a mobility at Kaunas University of Applied Sciences in Lithuania.
2022.gada 13.May
2022.gada 12.May
2022.gada 9.May