BIP "Digital Health 2.0."
In BIP "DIGITAL HEALTH 2.0." we continued to develop knowledge about working with healthcare data in the digital environment, providing digital healthcare services, educating the society about how e-health works and promoting doctor and patient cooperation.
The goal of the event is to acquire knowledge in working with health information in the digital environment, to get acquainted with the user-entered digital service, including the design and operation process of the e-health, and to understand the structure of different types of health information data sources. Digital technologies hold great potential for enhancing health care in terms of empowering patients, improving access and equity, and delivering better health outcomes!
Events was divided into two parts :
Online : October 30 – November 24, 2023
On site : November 27 – December 1, 2023
Projekts tiek īstenots pateicoties Eiropas Komisijas Erasmus+ programmas finansiālam atbalstam.
This project has been funded by the European Commission Erasmus+ programme.