Yesterday morning at Red Cross medical college of Riga Stradins university (RCMC) we started with simulation workshop together with Tallinn Health Care College nursing students and lecturer Jandra Ristikivi.
Our students Sabīne Petrakova, Inga Vanags and Lana Burdeiko participated in Estonian colleagues simulations scenario and their task was to check patient health status and the amount of injuries after a car crash.
RCMC students managed situation well and all together agreed that this is a good way to learn.
Yesterday’s morning activities where part of Joint days of health at Red Cross medical college with Tallinn Health Care College.
During last days RCMC and Tallinn Health Care College managed to find out common and different things in education process in each country, shared study course program and RCMC International cooperation specialist guided guests in building and study laboratories.
Based on great experience RCMC is planning to expand partnership with Tallinn Health Care College and develop simulated study process activities for nursing and doctor assistant study program students.