Participant Feedback
Léna Carrie Loupias (France)
First of all, I choose to do an Erasmus exchange in Red Cross Medical University in Riga because the city seemed very attractive. I choose a country that was in the north to change my habits of travelling. I wanted to be in a country that speak English. Latvia seemed more attractive for students, a bigger city than the others city in the Baltic. Moreover, I had feedback from an older student in my school which was in Riga. She gave me so much information about the university and hospitals. It was all things I was expecting from an exchange.
Barbara Maślak, Milena Kwapisz, Karolina Mielcarek (Poland)
We decided to take a part in Erasmus Exchange Programme because we wanted to get to know how hospitals in other countries work, if there are any, and if so what are the differences between nurses’ job in Poland and in Latvia. Riga was a place that had offered the possibility to do our traineeship after graduation i.e. from July to September. It was important that our hospital mentors speak in English. We also picked that city because two of us had been there twice before, during the RCMC International Week so that place seemed to be an interesting option to live and practice. Riga isn’t located far from Poland, so that was also a plus. We had an opportunity to do our practices in modern clinical hospital, which is much bigger than our hometown hospital.
There are a lot of benefits of practices in Riga for sure. The main one was that we could do many procedures that helped us to get the proficiency of the nursing trade. We were shown a lot of different units, for example, oncology, neonatal, intensive care units. As we had only a little pediatric practises during our studying it was great we could do so many. We worked with many different nurses in three totally different departments. Thanks to that we gained a lot of experience, not only in nursery but also in communication. We also were able to observe real-life surgeries. Since it was not possible in our hometown hospital, we really appreciate the opportunity that we were given.

Léandre Mouy (France)
I’m Léandre Mouy, a French student nurse from the Red Cross in Douai, who did his last internship in Riga, Latvia. My internship took place from 26.04 to 28.06, I was at the Children’s Hospital in Riga, really great experience! I did my training in 3 different places in this hospital: interdisciplinary, ORL department and cardiovascular department, all of them were very nice! Nice staff, nice nurses, nice head-nurse in all, really a very amazing welcome here!
I chose Riga because I really wanted to discover a new country and a new city where I had never been! I don’t regret my choice, Riga is an amazing city with a lot of things to see! The «+» during my training in Riga is the time which one is taken by the nurse for us, the Erasmus student because the language is difficult for us and so it’s difficult to speak with to our patients.

Ribery Clara (France)
"The reasons why I chose to go to Erasmus in Latvia are various: to discover new health care system and techniques, to discover a different culture and to improve my level of English.
This internship in Riga also allowed me to discover the care of children since it was my first internship in this field.
On a personal level it allowed me to become more independent, to discover many cities (Riga, Vilnius, Rundale, Sigulda, Saint-Petersburg and Moscow), to meet new people by sharing apartments with them, other students in Children's Clinical University Hospital and students from other fields of study.

Marie Canu (France)
"I chose to do my training in Riga first because Latvia intrigued me. Indeed, I have never been there and it piqued my curiosity. Secondly, the relations between the sending and the host institutions were for me the most solid because they were better organized.I think the main benefits of my training are:
At the professional level: this experience helped me to gain faith in myself and to develop my professional curiosity. Indeed, I was able to observe and to be amazed by the practices of nurses, whose skills are different than in France. It allowed me to develop my professional opening thanks to the many opinion and experience exchanges with nurses and students about the job and culture of the country;

Margoo Pelska (Estonia)
"I am the person who does not take big risks. That means deciding to do my traineeship abroad would be really challenging for me. That is why I decided to go to Riga because I have been there before, I like Latvian language, Latvia is close to Estonia and I could visit home when I miss it or having hard time on practice time. I chose to participate in Erasmus exchange in the Red Cross Medical College of Rīga Stradiņš University to get benefits of having coordinator then coming completely alone. For example, Irina helped me with getting my bus card with discount tickets. If I would not have chosen RCMC I could possibly not have this advantage.
The main benefits of my practice time in Riga are that I got motivation to study further Russian and after that other languages (of course one of them will be Latvian). The second advantage is that it is close. Even though Latvia is next to Estonia it is good to know and see how neighbours work. It helps to understand what is good or what should be better in my own workplace. Also, it will be good for my CV in the future. For food lovers, it is cheaper to enjoy different tastes and buy local primary goods compared to Estonia.

María García Moreno (Spain)
"I arrived in Riga on the 23rd of March, completely excited and ready for starting my traineeship. At first, it was a bit hard to get used to being alone and to know the city because I was new but soon I started to meet people and to feel comfortable in Riga.
The city is amazing, is not big at all but super cute. The city center with all its narrow streets and squares is cozy. I was feeling great about living in such a different place than my town.
Related to my traineeship experience, the first day I was feeling a bit nervous because I did not know the place, the institution, the people... However, Anda and Irina (my two coordinators) were there to make me feel comfortable and secure. I did not feel alone anytime, they were always there to help me and to take care of me if I had any problem.

Camille Brienne (France)
"Hi everyone,
My name is Camille Brienne, I’m a nursing student from the Institute of Training in Nursing, French Red Cross of Bethune. I have chosen to do my internship of 9 weeks in Latvia to discover new culture and to see the differences in practice. I was very well received by Irina, the ERASMUS coordinator in Riga.
It was a great experience for me. I was able to learn a different way to take care of patients. I was able to discover 3 departments where I have never been in France. At first, I went to general medicine, the second was cardiological surgery and the last department where I went was the oto-rhino- laryngology at the Children’s Hospital. It was very interesting but sometimes there wasn’t much care so it was boring because I waited for 1 or 2 hours to find something to do. An other negative point it’s that in some departments the staff don’t speak English so it was difficult to be understood. For me the hardest part was getting used to the cold climate.

Maria Raiou (Greece)
"My name is Maria Raiou. I’m a 22 years old nurse student from Greece and I decided to travel to Latvia for a 3 months long internship in Children’s hospital through the Erasmus+ exchange programme.>
The receiving institution was Red Cross Medical College in Riga. I decided to participate in the Erasmus exchange programme because I wanted to gain experience from a different workplace other than in my country. I specifically chose to cooperate with Red Cross Medical College due to one of my fellow students that had been there one year before me; he was very satisfied with everyone and everything in Riga and he highly recommended me to go there.

Manuela Thurin (France)
"I chose to participate in Erasmus exchange in Red Cross Medical College in Riga because I wanted to discover another way of taking care in Europe. I think it’s very interesting to see another way of practice even if it’s the same work than I’m doing in France.
Also, I met a girl from my university in France, she went to Riga on internship 2 years before me and she has spoken very well about the country and the internship, so that helped me to choose the Red Cross Medical College in Riga for the Erasmus exchange.
The main benefits of my practice time in Riga were that I discovered a new way of working. It’s important to see how it is in other countries and to compare it to the way of working in France, it made me to discover new ways of performing the same job.