"I chose to participate in Erasmus exchange in Red Cross Medical College in Riga because I wanted to discover another way of taking care in Europe. I think it’s very interesting to see another way of practice even if it’s the same work than I’m doing in France.
Also, I met a girl from my university in France, she went to Riga on internship 2 years before me and she has spoken very well about the country and the internship, so that helped me to choose the Red Cross Medical College in Riga for the Erasmus exchange.
The main benefits of my practice time in Riga were that I discovered a new way of working. It’s important to see how it is in other countries and to compare it to the way of working in France, it made me to discover new ways of performing the same job.
I would also like to note that my mentors in the hospital had a good English which is important for building communication.
I also had a chance to take care of a patient from his arrival to his departure through all his tests, which is interesting to understand the way of taking care of a patient abroad in an integral way.
The most interesting moments during my exchange were to discover a new country, to discover the way of life of the inhabitants and a new culture as well as to meet a lot of people from different countries. Traveling help us growing up and I appreciate this opportunity to live under the snow for a month, that could never happened in my country, this was really exotic.
My last advice is to encourage you to go on Erasmus exchange, it’s an incredible experience that i recommend everyone. You have to live it to understand it, and it is worth it.
My advices for the next students who want to go to Riga is to find a good place to live. It is the key for meeting new people and having a good time. I was living in a small residence and I met a lot of great people.
And finally: if you are going to Riga in winter, buy a warm coat and good gloves, you will need them during the winter!"
Manuela Thurin
24 years old
Croix-Rouge Française, Bègles, France
Children Hospital in Riga for 10 weeks